Born back in 1984 and growing up in the southern parts of Denmark in a small village, I have always loved being out in the nature and exploring the woodlands, but as I grew older I felt more attracted to the big city life - So after I finished my education I packed all my belongings and moved to Copenhagen, and have now had the pleasure of calling this magical city my home for more than 10 years.
One of my clearest memories when it comes to photography is my dad having an old vintage camera, well back then it wasn’t vintage, and he brought it with him everywhere he went and shot photos of everything he could.
I never really gave it any thought, but as I grew older, finished school, moved to the big city I have always found my self seeking the ability to capture a moment, and over the years I have spend a lot of money on standard starter kits to see what system would work the best for me.
As of today, I work full time in a completely different industry, photography is still a hobby based freelance thing, but eventually something I would like to be able to do for a living